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What does Dividend Investing Offer?

What does Dividend Investing Offer? 

The investing world offers participants different forms of realizing gains that over time can lead to significant portfolio growth. One of the alternative ways of realizing gains is investing in dividends. Dividends are returns paid by companies to shareholders. This is after companies make a profit. Without profit, it is almost impossible for a company to sustain stable dividend payments. Below are the different offerings that dividends give to investors;

Slow and steady payments

Dividends offer investors slow and steady payments that are often safe. Companies that have been in existence for long periods and have been able to consistently pay dividends are attractive and a return haven. Done for long periods, dividends heavily compound and can turn portfolios into great investments as shall be seen later herein. Profits returned to shareholders are assured but are subject to a company’s performance, which calls for prior analysis before investing. Important to note is that company’s profits are allocated to R&D and business reinvestment, and often these allocations tend to take precedence over dividend payments.

Can act a good net for a saver’s portfolio

Saving is a sure way of building wealth especially when one puts compound interest to best use. Done over a long-time saving through dividend investing can turn into a strong investment portfolio that acts a solid retirement payout.

You stand to benefit from enhanced compounding effects

Dividends when reinvested into themselves can generate enhanced compounding effects. These effects have a powerful multiplier effect which ideally is compound interest that rewards dividend reinvestment than it does for people who only withdraw and use their regular dividend payments. Notably, not all dividend reinvestment turns profitable, sometimes a company might go under. It is therefore imperative to establish your financial needs and outlook, if you do not need the dividend payments to finance your short-term needs, you would then be at more ease to invest and hold for long durations.  

Are always never guaranteed especially by smaller companies

Smaller companies are inclined to have irregular cashflows and sometimes struggle with profitability. This makes them a risky endeavor for dividend investors. Seasoned dividend investors often look for large companies that have been in business for a very long time as that gives them more leverage and assurance towards getting consistent and stable returns.

A case in point for dividend investing

$10,000 invested on the S&P 500 in 1990 would be $91,300 as at September 2021. If the yearly dividends would have further been reinvested the figure would even be greater, that would nearly double the amount to $180,000.

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